Reproduced with the kind permission of Emily Doll-The Vintage Doll

So you want to be a pinup..... Getting into pinup modeling is easy, you just make the choice to do so. Lots of women want to take the next step and become pinups but unless you take the time to study and learn what pinup is and the history behind it, you will just be playing dress up. There is difference from doing "pinup styled modeling shoots" and "being a pinup" anyone can dress up as a certain style but unless you really take the time to understand and appreciate what it is, you will always be missing something. After I discovered the pinup and rockabilly life style I fell so in love with it I couldn't even express it! So for five years I studied everything I could about it. I was to afraid to embrace the lifestyle myself or wear the outward style but there was no denying my love for it. After five years I finally decided to embrace pinup and the rockabilly culture as a whole and make the transition. I didn't just decide one day to be a pinup and then was a pinup, I respectfully learned and embraced the life style behind the beautiful image so many are drawn to before I adopted it as my own. Becoming a true pinup takes more than red lipstick but a passion in something lost many years ago in what women were and what they can be again. I'm not just a pinup on the outside but my heart and soul match the life style I love so much. I'm good at what I do because I took the time to appreciate it and learn about it out of complete love for it. I don't just dress pinup, I am pinup.
Step one- Study the history of pinup. Where it started, came from, who was involved, the pinup queens, the classics. Know what pinup is inside and out. Google is your best friend, it already knows everything about pinup and will show you if you look.
Step two- Pinup does have a style, learn the style, the hair, the make up, proper clothing. There are a lot of online places to buy the clothing that supports the pinup style, yes it can be expensive. The more you grow and learn the pinup style and culture the easier it becomes to find things in all stores that will transition into your wardrobe. It takes time to build a good pinup styles closet. YouTube has many videos on the hair and make up. Grab some popcorn and start watching.
Step three- If you're interested in modeling you need to contact a photographer to take professional images of you. Make sure you and your photographer are clear on if your images are allowed to be submitted to magazines and featured on pages. You don't own your photos unless the photographer states other wise. Try and find a photographer that is knowledgable in the pinup style. The more he/she knows about pinup the better quality photos you will have
Step four- Before you start putting your work and name out their decide who you are as a pinup. What you stand for and represent. Others will look up to you and look to you for inspiration, do the pinup name proud and represent it in a positive and classy way.
Step five- TIME TO DO WORK! Being a pinup model isn't an easy job. You won't get offers or jobs beating down your door, you won't get paid for what you do usually, magazines don't pay you. How far you get is on your shoulders and how willing you are to work hard. It's about the love and passion you have for the pinup life that will help you get far not the love of money. You need to start networking with other pinup sites and pages to help start building your face and name and get your work out there. Be respectful and make actual contacts with these people, don't just use them for publicity, respect the help they give you.
Step six- Stay patient. PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE! It's not going to come to you easy. It's going to be hard and sometimes you will want to give up. But just keep pushing. Most pinup models like me do this not for fame or fortune but because we love it. We love it with our whole hearts deep down inside and just love being in the life style and sharing with the world something so many have forgotten. It's who we are everyday not just in our photos. So don't feel discouraged when the features or publishes come slowly. Keep pushing because you love all things pinup and it will blossom in a timely manor. Good luck and all my love,
The Vintage Doll
Reference site good for all things pinup and learning more about the life and how to become a model-